I’m thrilled to introduce you to Dr. Lauren Puma
Lauren and I attended the same coaching certification program – and we became instant friends. To me, Lauren epitomizes the word light-worker, as she loves and cares deeply. I am in awe of how she blends her scientific understanding and intuitive superpowers in the work she does. I’ve experienced Lauren’s coaching first hand many times and couldn’t recommend her more. She has helped me become a better coach and become more in tuned with my own power and spirituality. If you are a highly sensitive person looking for support, well then…look no further. Please meet my dear friend and colleague, Dr. Lauren Puma.

What I do: I empower Highly Sensitive Female Entrepreneurs who struggle with overwhelm and self-doubt to understand their sensitive nature and honor their needs so that they can be more confident, resilient, successful in their businesses, and make a greater impact in the world.
- Business Type: Coaching
- Business name: Dr. Lauren Puma, Coach for Highly Sensitive Women
- Location: 100% remote business. I can serve women around the world.
- Contact: Lmpuma1010@gmail.com
- Social Media: The Sensitive & Successful Sisterhood Facebook Group
What should we know about you?
I am a Psychologist, Transformational Life Coach, and a Highly Sensitive Leader. Passionate about raising the consciousness of this planet through feminine leadership, I started my own coaching business to support highly sensitive women leaders in bringing forth their gifts and message to the world. I use a heart-centered approach in which I create a safe space for my clients to feel comfortable being vulnerable so that they can do deep inner work of healing, letting go of what no longer serves them, and learning how to love themselves unconditionally. I help my clients call forth the answers that already exist within them, shine the light on their gifts, and teach them how to wholeheartedly accept themselves and stand in their power so that they can serve the world as strong, highly sensitive women leaders.
Why do you love what you do?
I am so passionate about what I do because it aligns what I love and what I’m good at with what the world needs. It gives me so much joy and my life so much meaning to support other highly sensitive women to fully embrace who they are so that they can confidently share their gifts and make a greater impact in people’s lives. I believe empathy is the medicine that the world needs right now, and who better to bestow this medicine on the planet than highly sensitive women leaders.
Tell us about your superpowers!
My superpowers are being fully present with people, listening attentively to all words spoken and unspoken, tuning into heart’s desires, reflecting back all the beauty that already exists within, and helping people remember who they truly are—spiritual beings having a human experience. My business is special because I consciously co-create a space with my clients in which we believe all things are possible, opening the door for real transformation to occur. Change is inevitable, growth is optional. By choosing to work with me, my clients are opting to grow.
What else should we know?
I want everyone to know that true power comes from within. Coming into alignment with who you truly are will give you everything you ever need. Also, by understanding that everything in your life is happening for you and not to you, you will start to recognize the gifts in life’s challenges. As a Transformational Life Coach, I help women unwrap those gifts and use them for the greater good.
Is there a special offer you’d like to share with us?
To be strong, highly sensitive women leaders in the world at this time, it is crucial that we learn how to effectively manage our overwhelm as well as show up despite it. Join my “Sensitive & Successful Sisterhood” Facebook Group to claim my free gift—The Highly Sensitive Person’s Overwhelm Rescue Checklist—and receive ongoing support from this beautiful community of highly sensitive women.
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