How to Lead Authentically: Podcast Interview w/ HerCsuite

Natalie Benamou launched HerCsuite in the midst of the pandemic to help women navigate their careers and provide a one-stop-shop platform to support, lift and energize them on their journey. Her generosity is one of her greatest superpowers and I was so honored to have this conversation with her.

I hope this short podcast helps put some swagger in your step!

Here are the topics we covered:

  • Why coming back to yourself is the key to getting unstuck
  • What’s driving the great resignation
  • How scarcity mindset keeps us playing small
  • Why support and community is key to reaching our career goals
  • How honoring our MAGIC is at the foundation of being authentic
  • Uncomfortable conversations and the connection to facing our feelings
  • How the stories we tell ourselves can hold us back



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