I’m gonna tell you a story, and it’s not a holiday story per say – but hang in for the ride, because the story offers a gift at the end.
The habit became so routine that sometimes immediately after doing it, I couldn’t remember if I did it or not!
There were opportunities to make a change to this process. New technology became available, but I resisted for many years. It wasn’t right for me, or it wasn’t the right time, or <insert another reason to object here> for why trying something different was always a NO.
I’m talking about giving myself insulin shots.
In the morning, in the evening, with every meal, with every snack, and sometimes to course correct. There’s no alternative to this, as someone who lives with Type 1 Diabetes.
As with most things that we do habitually, this process became comfortable. It’s what I knew for decades as THE SOLUTION. It’s not a perfect process, but it’s what I had.
In time, technology became available in the form of an insulin pump or a pod – which you basically keep on your body (versus manual shots). The details don’t matter – but suffice it to say my biggest objection was ‘where do I put this thing??’ on my body. I mean it’s not just about the solution with dresses, it’s also the constant ‘figuring out’ of things and the psychological piece of it as well. But you get my point…lots of reasons to dissent!
That said – lots of people made this switch and were happy. Several doctors over the years encouraged me to try it believing it would make things better and easier for me.
And still I resisted.
Technology continued to advance, devices got smaller…
And still I resisted.
In early 2024 I had a VERY frustrating situation with regards to ‘sugar management’ – heck that sounds like a job title – I digress. Let’s just say that your body is doing all kinds of amazing adjustments to accommodate when you are in high-elevations. I was told yet again that an insulin pod could help with reducing (or eliminating the severity) of those situations where things get really out of whack.
Still I resisted.
Then, this fall the proverbial damn had broke! I had one situation that just got me so damn frustrated – I was at my wits end! It was the catalyst to make me decide “FINE let me try this damn pod!!” The technology also advanced just a few months prior – which also helped turn my long-standing ‘no’ into a ‘yes’ (alignment?!).
FINALLY. I fully committed to doing the thing… to see if in fact it was possible for my life to be EASIER. I told my doctor I would pull the trigger after I completed my keynote address at the end of October. I was setting myself up for success – for when I would have the capacity to deal with change.
Healthcare as you know, is not an efficient world. New prescriptions, new insurance pre-approvals not to mention supply chain issues led to different prescriptions and more process through the red tape. This led to delays and then more delays. Even my training session had to be rescheduled because I didn’t have my new supplies in time. Weeks later I finally had my supplies, and I had my training call set up. I was annoyed, but went on with the plan.
The pod/mini computer was finally stickered (literally) onto my body and was in communication with my glucose monitor. All of this meant that I was supposed to be able to THINK LESS and DO LESS as it relates to managing my diabetes. I mean, not gonna lie, that does sound better…
Over the course of several hours my sugar rose and rose and rose. Nothing I did, and no amount of insulin I programed into my little controller brought my sugar down. In less than 8 hours from putting the pod on, I ripped the damn thing off body. I pulled out my needle and insulin from my purse and managed my shit the SAME WAY I had been doing it for the past 22 years. Feeling all alone to figure things out also MAJORLY triggered me – even though my husband was by my side in my massive emotional hurricane.
*sigh* That was not a fun day.
So what happened? I got a defective pod!!!
Seriously? What are the odds people?
But I was not going to be stubborn. I was not going to fall into “I told you so – this is why change is TERRIBLE’ monologue – which trust me I was fully prepared to make. I was determined to give this a real try.
I thought about all the times I have told my clients to try that ‘new thing’ a few times to make sure you are giving your new experiments a REAL go at it. I knew I had an opportunity to walk my talk and honor the vision I had for more ease in my life.
So, I tried again…despite my skepticism.
I started to experience less mental work and energy to manage my sugars 24/7. After three days I had to change the pod – as this is the new process. I made the change right before bed, and at 4am, I woke up to see that my sugar levels were THROUGH THE ROOF!!
The effing thing didn’t work!!
This time I called the 1800 number. They told me to toss the whole lot of these pods as this was apparently extremely uncommon. My life is full of ‘not the norm‘, is it not? That’s a blog for another time…
Needless to say – I was tired, frustrated, and pissed that I finally decided to make a change and it COMPLETELY BACKFIRED… AGAIN!!
*deep breaths* What is this teaching me?
To go back to status quo?
To not trust technology? … which is EXACTLY why I didn’t try it in the first place …
All these things came to mind.
But…I remembered my goal – to give this a real go.
And so, I tried again. I opened a new box, and put on a new pod. A few hours passed, and I could see this one worked.
*WHEW* Back on solid ground.
I started to see how my mental energy was freed up a bit. I could start to see how things could be managed better by a mini computer and their algorythms than my math skillz.
Why do I share this story with you? Not to mention why am I sharing this in DECEMBER when it’s time for celebrations and thank you’s and messages of peace, prosperity and well wishes for a Happy New Year?
I share this story with you because it carries some important lessons that I think might help you as you wrap up your year and start a new chapter in just a few weeks:
1. The patterns that we have in our thoughts, our actions, in how we react to the world are COMFORTABLE – that’s why we keep doing them. Breaking those patterns is what opens the door for new possibilities, trajectories and pathways. If we don’t see the immediate results we are looking for, the easy thing is to walk away and say “SEE – I TOLD YOU SO”.
Sticking with your vision of a new tomorrow – THAT is worth experimenting over and over. Even at that moment when you are ready to throw in the towel. When you keep going even at your peak frustration – that is what is necessary for the breakthrough you’ve been working towards. Keep going!!
2. Not everything we try will work out the first time. The new therapist, the new coach, the new routine, your new trainer, or even your new job. It doesn’t mean it wasn’t meant for you in that moment, it doesn’t mean you didn’t learn something from the experience, and it certainly doesn’t mean that going back to status quo is the best option. It simply means that the re-direction is serving your highest good for you to get exactly what you need. Progress is not linear, so hold on tight and go for the ride.
3. People are ready for change when THEY are ready for change. It can’t be forced. All you can do is plant your seeds and meet people where they are physically, emotionally and energetically. Even if people don’t take action immediately, planting seeds with good intentions is a critical part of the process of influencing change. Take the pressure off yourself – planting seeds is enough – put the energy back towards you up-leveling yourself! When my doctor told me very plainly ‘if you don’t like it, you don’t have to continue’ – it was a light bulb moment that the decision wasn’t a permanent one. That seed helped me in getting over the hump.
4. Technology can be scary. New pathways can be scary. Do we trust it? Do we embrace it? Do we give it a chance? Do we trust ourselves with it? There are ways that technology can make our life better, while at the same time can make other things more challenging. We won’t know what’s possible in our world if we don’t give it a try. NO DECISION IS PERMANENT. Technology can be related to how you search for jobs, starting a podcast or receiving thought starters from a computer. Watching innovation from the sidelines has very big limitations. Watching other people go after what you want, or experience more ease (etc. etc.), can induce jealousy. Get in there, see what you can learn, take a micro action, and have your own experience with it.
These four lessons are my end of year gift to you, even if the wrapping didn’t exactly look like a treasure was inside.
My message is to remind you to not give up on yourself, to not give up on finding more ease in your life, and to not give up on finding new ways to be supported and surprised in the best possible way.
My gift is to remind you that hope is not a naïve and delusional outlook, but rather it’s a practice of remembering the mountains you climbed that you never thought were possible.
Hope is trusting in the vision you have for the future, and then honoring that each step you take with those intentions in mind is the most powerful tool you have to drive change for yourself AND the world around you.
Hope is remembering that love conquers all – first and foremost love yourself enough to trust in your leaps of faith, and then keep your heart open to pour love into others.
Hope is making the choice to keep going, because even if you haven’t made your way to the other side of whatever hill you are climbing right now, your new dawn will arrive! Hold on just a little bit longer – just a few steps past your current tolerance – and the breakthrough is inevitable.
Do you want to help your organization or team embrace new ways of thinking, operating and working together? The work I do is to help folks overcome fears that bubble to the surface when facing change and uncertainty. That could look like a motivational talk at your next event or facilitating group conversations to foster deeper connections within your team. Hit reply to this email if you want to explore how I can help 2025 be your best year yet.
Are you ready for your own change? To find out about my 1:1 coaching packages, set up an exploratory call here.
I’ve been publishing weekly on Tuesdays for the past year – and this week is #44!! Woo hoo! As a heads up, I will be reducing the frequency in 2025. This is to help to lighten my load to make space for other things and also to make the episodes even more potent for you. I will send you a real short email when new episodes do drop, so you don’t miss it!
Ep. 44 Finding Hope in a Hopeless Place
Ep. 43 How to Wrap Up a Season (with a bow)
Ep. 42 Personal Growth Leads to Professional Breakthroughs
Ep. 41 Thanks (and) Giving as a Way of Life
Thanks for being here and being open to these messages I had to share with you. If something here resonated, it would bring me such joy if you let me know.
I hope this season brings you joy beyond measure and magic you never imagined possible!
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