If you are looking to be on a whole new trajectory for yourself or the team you lead, all change starts with an inner transformation. Discover tools, perspectives and life lessons to help you in the journey of being the best version of yourself.

Talk About It Tuesday:  Your Energy Is Your Magic

Talk About It Tuesday:
Your Energy Is Your Magic

Kiera Doyle found her purpose when she discovered Human Design and her superpower to give people the gift of seeing themselves. We talked about her journey into and then unhooking from the corporate environment to pursue an entrepreneurial path and where fulfillment actually comes from. 

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Heather Frechette-Crowley

Heather Frechette-Crowley

From strategy through execution, website copy to thought leadership, Root Marketing uses content to help small businesses connect with their target audience.

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Heather Frechette-Crowley

Heather Frechette-Crowley

From strategy through execution, website copy to thought leadership, Root Marketing uses content to help small businesses connect with their target audience.

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Randi Levin Coaching

Randi Levin Coaching supports founders, entrepreneurs, and vibrant women in mid-life making bold decisions to transform themselves personally and/or professionally.

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