August and going into September – can be strange times.
On the one hand, summer is far from over and we are still (hopefully) in the lazy days of summer, and on the other hand our psyche can be gearing up for September and more ‘doing’ vibes. Whichever situation you are feeling (or perhaps it’s both) – I wanted to share a concept with you that I think will be helpful as we inch closer to transition of seasons and energy.
The concept is DIVINE TIMING.
At the core of this idea is both magic and taking pressure off yourself. It goes back to something I talk about all the time which is that we are not in control of most things.
Diving timing is about honoring that there are bigger forces at hand as it relates to getting all that you want and all that you are putting into action. This is coming from a recovering over-doer, rugged individualist, who didn’t know how to ask for what I needed for a long time. Diving timing is about letting go of your timeline, because you realize that there’s a bunch of chess pieces at play, and not just your own. This topic can also be closely linked to the concept that rejection is protection.
I’ve been spending a lot of time at the beach this summer and was inspired to think about divine timing from a surfer’s perspective. Surfing is a mix of waiting for the ‘right’ wave, while also honoring your timing. If you get impatient you can end up botching the wave because you jumped the gun before your nerves were settled. Also, if you never trust that you’re ready, you can miss the wave that’s perfect for you. Divine timing doesn’t necessarily feel comfortable, but perhaps a bit exciting and scary in a good way. In a way that you know you are living LIFE my friends.A common situation where this plays out is when folks who are in the job hunt get into forcing energy. They can get into a rabbit hole of going hard and playing the quantity game of applications. There is a whole lot of overdoing, all out of a desperation to feel in control of their future. You can’t relate to any of this, can you?? *sarcastic smile* Look I get it, totally get it, corporate life breeds this kind of mentality.
Taking a breath and giving yourself space to be in the energy that serves you – which is calm, confident and in acceptance that you are not in control – leads to truly knowing when the right wave has arrived. This makes me think of a conversation I had with my husband on my Talk About It Tuesday live show; ‘From Getting Laid Off to Let’s Go’ when he talked about taking a job that he knew wasn’t a fit, but was struggling with his identity once he was in-between jobs.
Maybe now you’re asking – how am I supposed to know if divine timing is actually at play? First of all, it’s ALWAYS at play. But here are some questions to consider:
- Is fear or scarcity mindset running rampant? (hard to catch the right wave if this is your general mode of operation)
- Have you betrayed yourself in any way in your pursuit? (betraying yourself might mean your going after the wrong wave)
- Does time feel spacious or constricted? (spaciousness creates magic and also allows the wave that’s meant for you to arrive)
- Are opportunities coming in but they don’t LOOK like what you had in mind? (sometimes our wave has been right in front of us all along, but we can’t recognize this is THE wave)
I know, this is a lot of ocean talk here. But bear with me because now I have some sage council for you, which is all about moving forward in the direction of your dream wave.
- As you wrap your summer, give yourself some time to dream and set your intent for what you wish is next. Getting clear on this is helpful because sometimes what we THINK we want isn’t actually what we want, but rather an outdated or conditioned idea of success.
- Unhook from how your dreams and goals should look when they come true. Stay open to the fact that you don’t know what your blessings will look like. The list on your page may be what you want, but not what you exactly need. For more inspiration on this, listen to my dear friend Vishwas on this podcast episode: A dramatic career shift.
- Be patient in your pursuits. Allow the wave to come to you. To do this, your only job is to find your center. Silence your mind and let your body lead the way. You will know when it’s time to ‘pop up’ on that board and ride the perfect wave for you.
Do you have any stories that relate to what I’ve been talking about? Or do you have any lingering questions from what I’ve shared? I would love to hear them, so reach out here.
Note: Originally shared on LinkedIn.
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