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Breaking Our Patterns

Breaking Our Patterns

Breaking a 22-year routine wasn’t easy, but it taught me the power of persistence and embracing change. As we close the year, let this story remind you: growth happens when we step out of our comfort zones and keep going, even when it’s hard.

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Letting Go to Let In the Magic

Letting Go to Let In the Magic

Sometimes I had to dance with letting go like a flamenco dance – strong and confident with fire and firm footing. Other times I had to flow like a ballet dancer, bending with grace and vulnerability. And yet other times I had to come back to my roots of hip hop dancing – remembering my resilience, inviting in the fun and allowing my soul to feel my grief.

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The Stories We Tell (Ourselves and Others)

The Stories We Tell (Ourselves and Others)

Whether you’re talking about how your summer was or pitching yourself for that promotion – the narrative matters. In this blog I give you three step to take to write a new storyline for your career.

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You Can’t Hide Your Shine

You Can’t Hide Your Shine

Over and over again in my life I’ve had to shed the beliefs about who I am. I’ve had to shed my fear of what others might think of me if I just gave myself permission to JUST BE ME. To not hide ANYTHING. 

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The Stories We Tell (Ourselves and Others)

The Stories We Tell (Ourselves and Others)

Whether you’re talking about how your summer was or pitching yourself for that promotion – the narrative matters. In this blog I give you three step to take to write a new storyline for your career.

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You Can’t Hide Your Shine

You Can’t Hide Your Shine

Over and over again in my life I’ve had to shed the beliefs about who I am. I’ve had to shed my fear of what others might think of me if I just gave myself permission to JUST BE ME. To not hide ANYTHING. 

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Setting Intentions and Holding Boundaries

Setting Intentions and Holding Boundaries

Setting intentions goes hand in hand with setting boundaries so that those dreams can become reality. I’ll dive into both of these components to help you make the most of your summer and beyond.

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